
Monday, July 30, 2012

Thrift Store Find: Kidney Bean Shaped Table

I love the thrift store. Everything is so cheap, and yea, you have to sort through a bunch of crap, but every once in a while you find something really unique. It has been quite busy since we have moved, and it took me almost two months to venture to the one nearest us. While there I saw this table that I really liked. I told myself I was going to wait on it; If it was still there the next time I went I would pick it up. 
Well, I ventured back and venture home with this crazy table:
It is so funky (so is the thrifty store floor - but who am I to judge) and cheap (29.95$). I am not quite sure where it will end up, but I am sure we can make it work somewhere. Sadly, it does need a touch up. It currently has a faux marble finish, but it is chipped and has some rings. I am hoping to paint it, but it will need to be sanded first. Stay tuned to find out how it turns out. 

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