
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Out, Out, Damned Carpet!

So I mentioned that Chris has taken out the carpet in the Living Room several weeks ago. This was awesome, but the carpet in the hallway has been lingering:
But it is no longer. Chris took out the last of the red carpet in spaces with hardwood underneath:
Awesome! No more ugly red carpet! Happy Dance. There is some cleaning that still needs to happen:
And some painting (this is a shot of the unpainted baseboard - not my best):
And some adding of a piece to tack down the white carpet that we are keeping in the bedroom for the time being:
But all in all, this is a great improvement, and leaves us with red carpet only in the Dining Room:
No rush on that since we are still undecided about more important pieces of furniture - like a coffee table, and it likely that we won't be using this room for a while. As excited as I am about the eradication of the red carpet, it has also left me with a bunch of little projects to finish up. Stay tuned to see the final finished products.

1 comment:

  1. everything looks a thousand times better without that carpet in there! looks like a totally new house :) you guys are making such great progress! im surprised you havent gotten tired of this yet ;)
