

This page is a work in progress (what around here isn't). Check back for more updates. Last updated May 29 2012. 

My name is Lindsay and I started this blog in May 2012 as a way to keep my friends and family (mainly my mother) updated on my life and all of the changes that Chris and I were making to our first home. But I'm guessing you want a little more information than that. Well here goes:

Who is this Chris character you ask? Well, he is my boyfriend and self proclaimed king of this castle. Chris and I met in engineering school, where we rented a series of small apartments in and around NYC. He stuck it out while I went to graduate school, but after I was admitted to medical school, he decided that it was no longer worth it to rent near the city. So we packed up our little Doxie, Lucy, and moved to the suburbs of New Jersey. 

So where did you go? We moved into a charming late 1960's home that had a mixed 60's, 70's, and 80's style to it. We are just starting out on what promises to be a long journey, but after years renting tiny (and expensive!) apartments in New York City, we are excited to put down roots and make this first house our home. 
And what do you do? Right now I am gearing up for medical school, which starts this fall and promises to keep me busy right through 2016. 

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