
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Olympic Challenge: Glue Scrapping!

So the wood paneling is gone, but there is still a ton of glue left on the walls:

For the first event, Glue Scrapping, we have two competitors. First, the Scrapper:
He is pretty self explanatory, he scrapes, he doesn't complain, but this time he has some challenge from a younger, nosier competitor, the handheld sander:
Yup, new, right out of the box. And he is rearing to go! Some women get clothes and jewelry, this week I got a power tool. Winning! And we are off. First the scrapper:
The judges give him a lowly 3.7. He is quick and efficient, but he just can't stick the landing, and is pulling quite a bit of dry wall off with the glue. Looks like we are going to have to expand the spackling portion of the Olympics. Now for the sander:
And it is an 8.2. Not perfect, but a clear win over the scrapper. There is some damage to the dry wall, but it is flat, which means even though it will need a coat of primer, it won't need extensive spackling. There is also a slight deduction for the amount of dust that is created. (Don't worry ma, I was wearing safety glasses and a dust mask). Let's take another look at that performance, keeping in mind that although there is glue still on the wall, it is flat now, which was really the important part:

So there you have it folks: The gold goes to the power sander, but the scrapper walks away with a solid silver. I forecast that he will have his comeback on the cork wall. Join us tomorrow for the second event: Oil Based Priming! 

1 comment:

  1. omg. i totally cracked up at work while reading this! im so excited for these future posts :)
