
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Olympic Challenge: Sanding Sprint

So now that that spackling has dried the next challenge in completing the guest bedroom is to sand all of that spackling down. I thought this would be the event for the power sander that won the gold in sanding down the glue, but there was a new challenger, the hand sander:
He changed from his rough grid to the fine grit sandpaper tracksuit and he was off.
Again, a mask and safety glasses were worn by all the spectators. The spackling that was used came off pretty easily. Too easily in fact to justify using the power sander. So the hand sander wins the gold for this event. The only advantage that I would have to give to the power sander is that it traps some of the dust that it makes. The hand sander does not:
The Olympic supervisor left her mark in the dust, but otherwise approves:
Now the wall prep is done. On to painting events!

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