
Monday, July 9, 2012

Cork Wall Update: July 9th

So I have upped my game with the cork wall. I am now donning a safety mask, safety goggles, and gloves. Even so, progress has been frustratingly slow. It kicks up so much dust that I immediately have to shower or else risk tracking it all through the house. Not to mention it makes me sneeze. Even so, I have been soldiering on and here is an updated picture:
Just to remind everyone, this is what it looked like only an hour before:
The ugly hole now goes wall to wall, and touches the baseboard in two places.  I figured that it will only take me one or two more attempts to have it down and then the real fun begins... repairing the wall. In the process of taking the cork off I have found that there are a ton of nail holes that need to be spackled over. Not my favorite thing, but not so bad. The real problem comes with the glue that was used to hold the tiles up:
I have started to scrape some of it off as I am taking down the cork, but it has a nasty habit of taking the paint down with it. I am only looking forward to spackling and sanding the wall because I think it will be more pleasant than all of this cork. Ick!

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