
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 1: We Prep!

So even though I quit my job last week, I have been putting in some long days working on the house. My father was awesome enough to travel all the way from Pittsburgh to help me paint the Hallway/Foyer/Living/Dining Room. Here is his pacifying the guard dog who refused to let him remove the outlet until she deemed it safe:
I was a lucky ducky and got my father for an extended weekend, Saturday through Tuesday, essentially three whole days. Now he has three other children, so this is quite a feat and further proves that I am the favorite. (just kidding...sorta). So before we got to painting this massive space, there was a ton of prep work. This included removing all of the outlets and stuff on the wall. Below is a picture of the removal of the thermostat. It revealed the original color of the walls: 70's pea green, so as much as I like to rag on the previous owners for poor decorating choices (cough...wallpaper...cough) they definitely improved the place by painting over that:
In addition to freeing the wall from the outlets and switches, we also needed to tape off everything. Here is a pretty sweet close up of my taping skills to protect the cool art deco-y molding in the foyer:
And here is an even sweeter picture of my dad spackling a settling crack in the living room ceiling:
Once everything was taped off and such, my dad painting the ceilings and I began lining the areas that were going to be painted. Here is a good shot of him hard at work:
Yea, it's not enough that you raised must also put in long hours helping me update the house. Hehe. Just kidding. I really appreciated all of his hard work. Speaking of hard work, here is a shot of my hard work lining the walls:
Now that is attractive! Okay, it looks worse than before...well, considering that the awful curtains are gone, really about the same. At this point, I will admit that I was really nervous about the color. It was looking a bit too close to the 1970's yellow and green that was secretly hidden throughout this home. This was just a are going to have to tune in again tomorrow to hear about Day 2: We Paint! Muahaha!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tom, such a nice dad coming to help you paint. My dad declined my facebook invite to my work on the house party lol As if he eont be there...hes probs been at that house close to every day for the past month. I feel like I need to find a really good Fathers Day present...the pressures on! haha

    I saw that you had a new post and I was uber excited to see the wall color...and then I got to the end and saw that all I get to see is the trim. Ughhh, now I have to wait another day! But on the brightside, tomorrow I not only get a new post, but to see you in person :)
