
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Uncovering the Pool

Despite all of my hard work in the Master Bedroom, Chris still thinks the biggest improvement to the house has been removing the pool cover. I know how much work went into the Master Bedroom so I will disagree, but I do have to admit it made the backyard much better and turned it more into an oasis.

Here is a before picture (thanks to Jenna):
Yea, even I have to admit, that cover isn't the most attractive thing I have ever seen. Edged with 2x4's and filled with stagnant water...oh baby. 

But after draining the standing water and removing the cover, the backyard now looks something like this:
Much, much better (ignore the mess of chairs...they are on their way to being power washed and the dark spot in the water is the pool robot). 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to come swim in the pool! The backyard looks a thousand times better without the cover/dirty water. haha
