
Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Answer is Always Fire

Moving has given us a surplus of many things...rooms, projects, and cardboard boxes. So I, being a huge hippie, carefully broke them down to set out for recycling:
I thought I did a pretty good job (putting my Target-acquired skills to use), but sadly the recycling man disagreed. My gently prepared bundle was...REJECTED!!! with a bright orange sticker. Well, the pile of cardboard was growing at an alarming rate and the rejection sticker didn't give me much hint as to what I was doing wrong...this was becoming a problem. This was a problem that Chris happily solved...with FIRE!

Well, more specifically a fire pit. In the back yard there is a shady, rocky spot that won't do for a garden and is too close to the pool to want grass there:
It was just asking for a fire pit and we found one on the cheap at the HD (sorry the picture is so dark...the sun was already setting when I got home from work):
 I think it is perfect for that space and we have already enjoyed one evening of warmth and cardboard purging. Oh and Chris decorated the space with two silly Tiki torches (so silly):
 I think we are well on our way to having a great place to enjoy and I am excited to do just that this holiday weekend. Speaking of which, I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday weekend! 

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