
Sunday, May 27, 2012

...And Another Project Started

So while I was finishing up the Guest Bedroom/Office, Chris was getting started on a little project of his own: Guest Bedroom II aka the wood paneling room:
Oh Baby! The 70's is calling and it wants to know when we are having it over for fondue. I wasn't looking forward to tackling this room because...well because wood paneling is a pain to take down. Chris did not share my same fear and decided that he could take the wood paneling no longer:
Look at him...hard at work! And he kept going...until the wood was no more:
I will have to give him credit...he has destroyed that room from top to bottom. He also ripped up the carpet to reveal the wood floors (which luckily are in better shape here than in the other guest room - but still in need of a good cleaning, and likely some refinishing):
It doesn't even look like the same room! And there was some homemade art from the pre-wooden wall age (its a bit hard to tell in the photo, but folks, that is the elusive flying unicorn):
Now comes the super not fun part...sanding down the seams and replacing the modeling that scarified itself in WWI (Wood War I). Hopefully, we can learn some good lessons to reduce the casualties in WW2...the family room:

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