
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Long Awaited Master Bedroom Reveal

The Master Bedroom was the first room completed (by completed I really mean de-wallpapered and painted - we still haven't decorated, etc.). I quickly wanted to share some of the pictures of that first triumph, but in order for you to fully appreciate that, I first need to show you the before picture:

It is a pretty large space (11x17) with two closets! The 'classic' wall paper just wasn't our style. Luckily, I had Jenna to help me remove it (and document me removing wallpaper):

Oh, but wait, there is not one, but two layers of fabulous wallpaper:

Yea, so that blue wallpaper wasn't looking too bad after all. So after some seriously hard work (thank you forever Jenna) the room was wall paper free, packed full of Spackle, and the ceiling was painted white:
Next came the fun part, painting! A quick cleaning of the carpet and tah-dah:
This picture is pre-new outlet covers and pre-rehanging of the mirror, but I had daylight on my side for the best pictures. We have since moved our Ikea bed from college into the room - and just the Ikea bed, so there aren't super exciting 'after' pictures yet...but no worries, we'll get there...all in due time. 

1 comment:

  1. If you were going to keep it blue I don't know why you just didn't keep the wallpaper up? haha But seriously it looks great! I really like that color a lot :) I'll be excited to see what bedroom furniture you guys decide on.

    PS, all of these blog posts make me wanna come back and decorate more! lol Hopefully I'm as inspired to work on the rental house here...
