
Friday, August 31, 2012

Yay! Mattress!

Tomorrow is an exciting day. It is exciting because we are getting our new mattress delivered! We picked it out about a month ago and I wanted to wait until the Guest Bedroom was finished to have the bed delivered (because this will be the home of our current bed). all saw how finishing that room is still going. It is taking way longer than planned (updates coming soon!). Also, with so many hours sitting these days (I sit in lecture, I sit when studying, I sit all the time now), my back needs the TLC that a new mattress will bring. This is also a much bigger bed than we have now...we are going from a full to a KING!!! So now there might be room for Chris and me after Lucy takes up her share:

This our first big investment for this house (the couches don't count...they were cheap) and I think it is a good upgrade. That being said, we still haven't decided on a bed frame and any bedroom furniture (lamps included). Chris liked this Bahama Bob set from the same discount store that we picked up the couches from (this picture is from their website, I take no credit):
Well, I thought that much matching furniture would be a little overwhelming. Chris said okay...but then I haven't found anything that I really liked. There is no rush to put 'eh' furniture in the house and now that we are getting the new mattress anyway I can take all the time I want in deciding! 

1 comment:

  1. i would have never considered matching furniture overwhelming. lol
