
Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!!! (to everyone but me)

Happy Labor Day, Everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their day off...and let me tell you, I am jealous! This is where I am spending my holiday:
That's right, my (very messy) desk...studying, because tomorrow, the Tuesday after Labor Day, is my very first medical school exam.  It is the midterm for Biomedical Sciences, which is a fun combination of biochemistry, cell biology, epidemiology  and genetics (so far). 

It's actually not that bad. I enjoy what I am learning and really just need to buckle down. My classmates have been awesome - Much love to my study group. Oh, and Lucy is helping too!
That being said, there is no rest for the weary. The final for this course is on the 25th. So, as one of my classmates coined, I will be "keeping calm, and studying on."
(Image from


  1. Woo good luck tomorrow!! I'm sure you'll do great :)

  2. good luck :) if it makes you feel any better i spent my holiday weekend working on the house and didnt get to experience a single cookout. total fail.
