
Friday, August 24, 2012

Primer, Part 3

So I mentioned on Monday that I was happy with the oil based primer in the Guest Bedroom, that it mostly covered Paul:
While I was debating if it, 'just needed a second coat', Chris was pulling out the big guns, SheLac based primer:
This is an even stronger primer than the oil based primer that I had used before. It uses an alcohol solvent, so it smells pretty bad and must be used in a well ventilated space (Chris and I disagree on what is worse smelling, the oil or the shelac, either way they stink!). We chose the spray can version because we weren't covering that much wall space and cleaning this out of brushes would have been a nightmare...that and it is more fun to spray paint:
Everywhere I primed with oil based paint was liberally sprayed with the shelac primer. Now, I am certain that Paul has disappeared for good...mauahhah. 

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