
Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Football Game

So a couple of weekends ago, I 'tricked' Chris into running a 5k with me. Well, he wasn't so happy about that, but he was more than happy to use the free Rutgers football tickets we got this past weekend:
Woo, awkward cell phone picture with super intense guy behind us...whoops. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, pretty warm, a slight breeze. Oh and Rutgers was 4-0...undefeated...and playing UConn. It was a 'blackout' and we were wearing our free black shirts from the run too:
There was copious amounts of AC/DC playing in support of the blackout. The crowd was good and it was fun with some cool distractions by the band: 
Rutgers played pretty well - it was still college football, with many penalties and botched plays. Rutgers remains undefeated and came away with the win. 
We enjoyed ourselves, but the highlight for me was an in-stadium ad for the red Rutgers R car decal... encouraging Rutgers people to let other Rutgers people meRge if they have the decal. Haha! Only in Jersey!

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